I've noticed my own perceptions are so different from the people around me and I consider this to be a growth opportunity for myself.

I accept people for who they are and as they try to be. Sometimes it can be so frustrating when you are seeing things from a totally different lens. You just want to scream out: Why don't you get this! But you can't because they aren't in the same place as you. They have a different past. They have a different experience then you do.

I'm beginning to understand that when we appreciate that we all see things from a different angle with a particular focus, we're able to honour others' perceptions as much as our own.

I accept that people are jerks sometimes and I'm ok with it. I accept that not everyone is going to see things the way I do and I'm ok with it.

We are all free independant thinkers. It only becomes a problem when you can't accept that.



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