
It seems to me that many people are always looking for what's wrong in the world as an excuse to justify their bad mood. They always seem disappointed with the present moment. Someone is always letting them down. Most people do it unconsciously but there are some that I swear do it just to prove to themselves and to others that the world is a horrifying place to live so they can justify their own failure to stay positive and focused.

I refuse to live my life like that mainly because that type of energy makes me feel like "crap". While I'm here I plan to enjoy every moment I can doing what fulfills me and gives me Joy. I love spreading that type of energy around me and perhaps I can be of use to others. If you are on a mission to be as miserable as you can be than you will find what you're looking for.

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Wayne Dyer

This is the basis for Quantum Psychics. If you see the world as a friendly place you will see many examples of this in your day ie. Cashier at the grocery store chatting with you, a receptionist at the Doctor's office giving you a warm smile, someone letting you go first in the traffic or a check out. The opposite is true as well. If you see the world as cold dark and lonely place, you will literally attract that as well. ie. people will walk right by you. If they brush up against you they may not even apologize. You will be treated poorly by someone serving you coffee or lunch and you may get someone honking there horn at you to get moving.
If you believe you will never be as happy as someone else then you won't be. If you believe that everyone else is luckier than you this will be true as well. If you believe you look old, you'll look old. If you believe you're never going to lose weight, you'll never lose weight. If you believe you'll be alone for the rest of your life, you'll be alone for the rest of your life.

You may start off the day with good intentions but find it easy to be thrown off base. If you want to get better there are many ways you can do this.

Your mind is a powerful tool and your devotion to using it properly is a lifelong habit and worthwhile pursuit. Here is what I highly recommend to anyone who wants to develop a better attitude.

GOALS-Where do you want to be at this time next year? What about 10 years from now?
If you don't know that, then you may not like where you end up.

AFFIRMATIONS-Powerful thoughts: As Louise Hay says. What you think today will create your tomorrow. Write out some quotes and some sayings that resonate with you and say them over and over again throughout the day. This will magically make you feel lighter and bring in the sunshine. Here are some examples of some affirmations that I have used in the past to help me:

I'm calm relaxed and excited about my life
Abundance flows into my life everyday in miraculous ways
All changes are comfortable easy and fun

ENGAGE IN YOUR PASSIONS-what do you enjoy doing? Where time flys by. What totally absorbs you in healthy constructive ways? Do more of that!

GRATITUDE-Count your blessings. What are you grateful for? If you can't find anything start with a roof over your head and Oxygen. Keep a running list. My list is up to 500.

JOURNALLING - Start by recording the times in your day that brought you Joy. simple pleasures, record the weather or write out some quotes or words that inspire you. write out some things you like about yourself. anything can go in to a journal. It is a very healthy practice. I've been writing in a journal for over 30 years. It's a lifesaver!!!

If you work on a plan using a few of these strategies and some of your own, I guarantee, within a short period of time, you will start attracting many good things in to your life. Life loves you and supports you. Whatever you want wants you back.

Be devoted to always managing your thoughts and emotions in healthy constructive ways.

Best to you,



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