A List of 10 Things

Developing mental strategies to create the life circumstances you want is a really great idea and if you have no strategies here is one you can easily begin doing.

I made this up years ago to help me get through a painful divorce. I really wanted things to go smoothy and handle things well and get through it with the least amount of emotional damage and it was important to me that I be strong for my son.

I've been using it ever since. It is a very effective way to review how you want your life to look.

This technique has been more helpful to me than anything else I've ever done to stay focused on what I want. I call it quite simply a list 10 things

I have 10 Ways to be Deliriously Happy. I loved it so much I wrote a book to share with others.

Here are some other lists I've made over the years. when I was working at an office I had 10 ways to stay positive at work. I formulate 10 new goals every New Years Eve. I had 10 Reasons to quit smoking. I have 10 things that I'm most grateful for. I have 10 reasons why I want to work out everyday. I have 10 things I really like about myself, I have 10 affirmations that empower me, I have 10 mentors I turn to for good inspiration and wisdom, etc.

Here are 10 ways to use this mental strategy:

1. Start your day on a positive note:

before I start my day I review my lists. I have a cup of coffee and read them.

2. Memorize it!

Coming up with a number like ten lets me play memory games with myself. 10 is the perfect number - why? Because I can memorize a 10 list. 5 is too easy. I can count on my fingers if I'm walking or driving.

3. Down time!

Effective use of your down time and it's a perfect way to stay on track.

4. Write it down!

If I'm sitting waiting for an appointment and I'm not doing anything but looking at a magazine or staring-I write them in my journal. If I have trouble remembering 1 or 2 points on my list, I can usually figure out and most times, the one I forgot I need to work on, anyway.

5. Keep a journal.

Now you actually have something to write in it. Write out our lists. Make up new lists. Revise your old ones.

6. Keep your list visible!

in or on your desk, in your bathroom, anywhere you'll bump in to it everyday.

7. Record it! record them and listen to it in your car or on your ipod.

8. Code it!

I do this and it's very fun. I code them. For example FF is Financial Freedom, KP is keep positive, MYOB Mind my own business. suddenly your lists look like this.
the benefit is that it's quicker to right down and you can leave them lying around and noone can read your code.

9. Gets you unstuck - Gets you thinking about what you want, what you like, what your goals are, what's important to you.

10. Revise it. New lists, edit your lists, update old lists, multiple lists, you never run out of things to write down and 10 isn't too difficult or too easy. It's the perfect number!

This is just a simple easy to do, fun activity that anyone can do. You don't have to be passionate about self development to enjoy this exercise. It's a way of opening up your mind and a way to begin to creating the kind of life you desire. It's not complicated.

Here are some examples of lists you can make: I made 10 of them :)

10 things you want in a man (if you're single)

10 things you love about your husband or wife (if you're married)

10 reasons why you want to exercise every day

10 reasons you need to quit smoking

10 Goals

10 things you love about yourself

10 habits that are absolutely working for you

10 healthy food choices

10 affirmations that lift you up

10 enjoyable activities

Have an excellent weekend everyone.

Much love,


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