10 Ways to be Deliriously Happy-How to Live an Inspired Life


10 Ways to be Deliriously Happy-How to Live an Inspired Life
Author: Carrie L. Wynne

1) Find Joy in ordinary and everyday things- The more you notice the ordinary things that make you feel good, the more you notice the ordinary things that make you feel good. List 20 enjoyable activities. Washing the car, watering flowers, watching a great movie, going for a long walk, read a good book, making a nice family dinner, getting rid of junk, painting a bedroom. Keep a little Joy journal for recording where, when who and what felt good during the day. The magic is in the noticing.

2) Recognize the thoughts that weaken you and thoughts that strengthen you-Make two lists on a piece of paper. One side lists everything in your life that is working. The other side you list everything that isn’t working. After you do this spend some time noticing how you feel when you are looking at each list. What’s your energy like when you are focused on what is working. How do you feel when you are looking at what isn’t working. Then decide what to make your life about.

3) Be grateful for what you have and eager for more.-Make a gratitude list. Write down everything in your life that you are grateful for. Keep it running. It sends out the right kind of energy to attract more things to be grateful for and it’s pretty hard to be grateful and depressed at the same time.

4) Consult your Top 5 values when making important decisions-Write everything that is important to you about life and about living on a piece of paper and then choose your top 5. Arrange your life around those values. If they change over time that is perfectly fine as long as you are the one changing them.

5) Do more of what is working and less of what isn’t- This is stupidly simple about our habits and needs to be understood. Drop the habits that no longer serve you and develop some new habits that give you the right kind of energy and make you feel good.

6) Give up our personal story to allow the person you are becoming to emerge. Everyday be willing to let go; surrender. Be ready to embrace the newness of each day. Allow the person you are suppose to be to come forth and trust that process. Let go of the stories and make room for the person you have always been before the stories even began to emerge.

7) Choose Powerful Interpretations-Choose to see yourself as a creator in this world rather than a victim. A victim hangs on and wallows and things always happen to them. A creator stands in their power. They say, “here is the situation I am in and here’s how I’m going to make my life great.” They choose to see what happens in their life as valuable lessons and opportunities and they always choose empowering responses.

8) Love your dark side-Everyone has a dark side. Something we hide or reject and a part of ourselves we’d rather not be. Whatever we resist, persists. These aspects will keep showing up in our lives as long as we deny them. When we can say, I’m negative or I’m greedy or I’m angry, or I’m needy then suddenly everything shifts. Our brightness becomes brighter because we no longer have to expend our energy concealing our darkness. We are darkness and light. We’re all of it and when we can love our imperfections and wounded egos, That’s wholeness! That’s freedom! That’s what loving your dark side, otherwise known as the shadow, is all about.

9) Invite many still moments in to your life- We connect with our authentic nature when we are able to do this. Create spaces and gaps in your day for silence. This is a time in your day when you aren’t engaging any of your thoughts. You aren’t judging your thoughts or judging yourself for having thoughts. You’re just being with what is.

10) See God everywhere-Realize there is a divine order to things and to trust and know we are part of that system. The same source of energy that runs through me and out to you and is in all things seen and unseen. The way to access it is through willingness to see it. Don’t try to intellectualize God. Seek the truth and wisdom of God and you’ll find it.


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