
Enlightenment means to be immersed in and surrounded by peace. People say in a world gone mad it's pretty hard to remain peaceful. It's a challenge amidst a chaotic world to achieve enlightenment. Turmoil and horror are around every corner. A great positive attitude for many is simply not realistic. Optimism is just wishful thinking.

Yet when we focus our attention on being in this peaceful state we can serve people better. Our energy will help lift them up. We can serve as reminders to them of the magnificence of nature, the comfort of friends and the beauty of love. We can be a source of power to them and set the example that the world is a friendly place and that people are kind and generous and loving.

Mother Teresa said, "If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other" People in parking lots, people in line, people at work, people on the street. Strangers. People need our positive energy.

We don't have to perform grandiose favours for people in order to serve them. Just let your life be an example. Be peaceful yourself. You can't give away something that isn't inside of you. If enlightenment means to be immersed in and surrounded by peace, picture yourself with an opulent beam of white light around you. Nothing but love and kindness gets through. Everything else, falls at your feet.

The rule that covers everything is: How are you with others? Expect that back......Rumi

We must stop the robot mentality of struggle and lack and staying guarded and shut off from people and the rest of the world.

You can do it - don't say you can't. Can't never did anything! If you want to be part of the solution in your own life and those lives around you then keep your energy high. There are many examples of ways you can do this:

Treat others with respect and kindness
If the news is depressing you, stop reading it
Look after yourself by eating healthy delicious meals
Exercise makes you feel and look great
Count your blessings

Be focused on creating a better world for yourself and those around you by becoming a peaceful person. People are counting on you and the world needs you.

The biggest mistake we can make is to do nothing because we can only do a little. Simple random acts of kindness does make a difference Not only in the lives of those we touch but in our own lives.

Practice staying in a peaceful state. Sit quietly, relax. Invite many still moments in to your day. Be present. Write your thoughts out so they aren't swimming around in your head all day. It works.

Whatever it takes to become a peaceful person admist a chaotic world is well worth the effort. Not only will you improve your own life health and relationships but others will look to you as a source of power they can draw on to make their own lives work better as well.

Wishing you a peaceful day,



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