Lesson on the Beach

I spent Friday and Saturday on the beach this wknd with my family. The weather was breathtaking. The water was clean and refreshing. Everyone was frolicking having a great time. People had their floaties and their coolers and their boats out. I thought as I do quite often these days - It doesn’t get any better than this.

Than all of a sudden, I spotted it. THE THONG

Now just for the record, I have been known to wear a thong on occasion myself. But not on the beach. On the beach where there’s hundreds of people.

I looked over at my husband, “what do you think of this" I asked. He just smiled sheepishly and shrugged his shoulders. Ugh.

How can she parade in and out of the water like that. She has to know that she’s the only one wearing a thong. This isn’t France of Sweden or wherever they do this. This is Port Franks. We’re Canadians - we don’t do things like this.

And then I say to myself , OK, Carrie, What is really going on here. What is it about this woman and her thong that is bothering you so much?

I thought about it and then I realized what it was. Jealously. I’m jealous because she’s brave enough to wear that thong. She likes her thong and she doesn’t care what people say and she doesn’t care what people think and that bugs me.

It bugs me because I do care what people say about me and I do care what people think of me.

It’s not about the thong at all. Personally, it’s just not in my DNA to wear a thong on the beach. Her thong represents all that I’m afraid to do. I cover up because I’m afraid to stand out.

It reminds me of the book I’ve written. The book is safe at home in the drawer but that’s not why I wrote it. As soon as I bring it out and allow someone to read it I feel vulnerable and naked. Suddenly I’m the one on the beach wearing the Thong.

Here’s what I'm starting to learn. That when we get busy and forget about what other people are doing or seeking approval and just do what we want to do we are free to create a great life. Bill Cosby was one famous person who said. "I don’t know what the key to success is but the key to failure is trying to please everyone".

I’m not talking about wearing a thong on the beach. I'm sure that some of you wouldn’t look that good in a thong.

But let me ask you this? Can you think of something that you want to do but you are afraid of what others will think and say about it? Is it a book , a career change , a part time job, a trip, a new business idea, going back to school or taking belly dancing lessons? Can you think of something that you want to do but you are afraid of what others will think and say about it? Whatever it is don’t wait until you have everyone on board or for universal popularity. Just do it.

This woman didn’t sit at home and think should I wear it or not. I wonder how many people are wearing thongs on the beach today. I wonder if anyone will say anything to me. She didn't wait until she had enough courage to wear it. It was a beautiful day, she just whipped it out put it on and away she went.

I’m thankful to this woman bold and brave enough to wear her thong on the beach.
She taught me a lesson. Don’t cover up just because you are afraid to stand out. We’re all meant to shine. Be Yourself. Do what you want to do and create a great life measured by your own standards.

warm regards,


would love some comments...


  1. Great post! Very well written and thought out

  2. Thanks for leaving such a nice comment. you made my day brighter. Blessings. Carrie

  3. great perspective. FYI....I frequently wear thongs on the beach. My husband loves it


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