First the Action then the Courage

Courage isn't always big brave and bold. Sometimes we have it and sometimes we don't. We feel courageous in some areas and other areas we are total wimps. Here's what I know about Courage. When you do something that you are afraid to do, you develop courage. The more you do what you're afraid to do, the less afraid you become. It spills into other areas as well. Do the thing and you shall have the power. It isn't the other away around. In other words, you don't wait until you have all the courage you need and then do something. That may take forever. You move through the fear by doing it. I recognized this happening for me. I kept saying I'm afraid so I need to work on that. I'd try and face my fears and analyze them and figure out how to make them smaller than they appeared for me but it was only really holding me back.

When you take daily inspired action in spite of feeling afraid you begin to develop the capacity for it. Courage is feeling the fear and moving through it. Susan Jeffers book "feel the free and do it anyway" I'm so grateful that I finally understand this.

Love and blessings to all,


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