Values - Sense of Accomplishment

I believe that Values are very important and that when you are honouring them in your life everything is good. When you are not honouring them, you will feel out of whack and upset. For example, if one of the most important things to you is being the best parent you can be and you are working out of town 5 days a week you are going to feel frustrated. If one of your values is to be able to speak your mind and you aren't speaking your mind, you will feel imbalanced. One of my values is to experience as much Joy as humanly possible everyday. If I go a couple of days without feeling joy in my life, I start to become anxious.

What matters to you? what are your values?

Our values give shape and definition to our life. They aren't universal answers. They're different for everyone. Here are 5 questions to help you discover yours.

1. what is important to me about life?
2. What is important to me about living?
3. what legacy do I want to leave behind when I go?
4. What do I take for granted?
5. What would seriously alter the quality of my life if it were missing.

Take a few days to write down all your answers to these questions. Write whatever comes to your mind. When you have at least 3-5 answers for each question, Circle the TOP 5.

Write them down and stick them somewhere. They will be a guiding force to help you move forward. They will be the flashlight in the dark forest of night.

warm blessings for a wonderful evening.


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