Your Passion is your Purpose

"Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray."

What do you Love to do?
Do you have any clue what your calling might be ? Your calling are things that you are drawn to. Things you are interested in no matter how impractical or impossible it seems to "make a living at it". In the same way as you choose your work, your calling chooses you, and for many people it is difficult to remember a time when they did not want to do something related to their calling, even if they never have.

I use to hate this question: “ What would you do if money was no object? “ I would think money is an object and I need some, so what does this question have to do with anything?

But I can honestly and wholeheartedly tell you that this question can lead you to the money. When you answer this question you begin to discover your passion. When you are engaged in something you love, you can do it longer, for hours and hours on end. You will likely be more persistent and stay the course. You will be on purpose and when you are on purpose, things just fall into place.

People don't place a high enough value on how much they are nurtured by doing whatever it is that totally absorbs them. Jean Shinoda Bolen

What are your personality traits.
Are you sensible, calm, compassionate, level headed, imaginative, resourceful. Write down all the personality traits that fit your description of the way you see yourself. Write as many as you can. Now pick the top 3. The might not seem like they relate, that’s fine. These are clues to help you find your passion. To live your life on purpose where would these personality traits best fit? Who would be fabulous at their job if they had these traits?

For example enthusiastic is one of my personality traits. enthusiasm would be fabulous in a Salesperson, a Manager, an Event Planner, a Speaker, a Journalist, a Radio show Host, etc.

Identify your gifts

Things that come naturally to you with little effort. What are you good at. What skills and abilities do you have that are so much a part of you, that you can't remember learning them and can’t imagine not having them. My niece is incredible at art. My sister is a great cook. My brother in law is amazing at electronics. My nephew is gifted at playing great music. My friend Trish is warm and compassionate with the elderly. My girlfriend Shari is amazing with colour.

We are all gifted in some way. Are you a good cook. Do you make up good stories, can you fix a car, are you a good listener, can you garden, are you good at photography? Can you decorate. Good at gymnastics. (remember we almost always enjoy things we’re good at.)

My natural ability is to connect well with others. It all comes very naturally to me and I’m good at it. This led me into sales where I spent 15 successful years as a Corporate Sales Representative and Sales Manager in the IT industry. With little effort I was easily able to build rapport, develop client relationships, and establish trust. I intuitively knew how to do this because it is one of my gifts.

You are gifted at something in the same way too? something that comes naturally to you. Take some time to identify those gifts. These are clues as well.

My all time favourite quote is by Howard Thurman. A Theologian, Author and Philosopher back in the Martin Luther King Jr. days. He says:

“Don’t ask what this world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that because what this world needs is people who have come alive.”

Don’t miss out on some of the joy, energy, and fulfillment that comes with living your life on purpose. Your passion is your purpose.

Have a truly wonderful day,
Love Carrie


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