Decide who you are going to be and enJOY the process of becoming that person one day at a time.

Deciding who you are going to be isn't as easy as it sounds however I suggest we simplify it. Here's what you do.

forget about what others in your life want for you.
forget about your past mistakes and should of, would of, could of's. Move on.
start today to begin to create your life, the way you want your life to be, one day at a time. “Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

These don't have to be grandiose ideas however they can be. It could be simply to experience more peace in your life. Maybe you want to lose 30 pounds or find an amazing person that you click with AKA...Soulmate. Maybe you want to get a new job or go back to school or change a behaviour pattern or overcome an addiction. Never be afraid of anything that appears bigger then you or your ability to handle it.

Everything begins with a single step. Take the next step, the next step, the next step. There is no room for cynicism in personal development. You are either going to do your best to make positive changes and create a life that is amazing and fulfilling or you aren't. Here is who I've decided to become.

someone who experiences as much Joy as humanly possible every single day.
someone who lives an inspired life.
someone who expands in abundance, success and love everyday and inspires those around me to do the same.
someone who pulls back when I feel my energy being drained.

this quote reminds me that I'm in the process of becoming that person.
The Road to perfection is always under construction...

Don't wait for a tragedy or health issue or some other catastrophy to begin to live your life to the fullest. Do it now. Measure your life by the moments that you savour and do your very best to create more moments to savour.

Much love and blessings on this Easter morning.


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