
I belong to many things. I'm a belonger. I think because I love socializing so much. I enjoy meeting new people and learning new things. I only belong to things I love though. If the word "obligation" creeps in too often, then the dread starts and that becomes very Unfun for me.

My personal philosophy about life is that we are all meant to experience as much joy as humanly possible and help others do the same. If I'm dragging my butt somewhere I don't want to go every week out of guilt, that would do me in quickly. so I never do that to myself.

I have observed recently something else that can take the fun out of belonging to an organization. Whether it's work, a club or another association there seems to be a challenge for many people to just simply get along together. People get in to these silly little conflicts that create hard feelings. Then they want to share them with you. This almost forces you to choose sides. Gossip may seem lighthearted especially when presented that way. Like "it doesn't really bother me BUT" or "it's none of my business, BUT". We all justify light gossip from time to time but it really does permeate a stench of mistrust "what are they saying about me" or "what did she mean by that", or I wonder if what I said was taken out of context, Maybe I should explain further."

People can't tolerate differences. Their frame of mind is non acceptance. In other words, I would like you better if you were more like me.

I wonder if people stopped and thought about what a boring world it would be if we all thought alike and had the same perceptions.

This is all EGO stuff-an all to familiar experience for me. I worked in a dsyfunctional environment for 15 years. I know all about the EGO and how it can erode and destroy even the most thriving organization.

The ego is never at peace. The ego is there to protect and defend not to disarm and accept. The ego teaches us to watch our backs and look out for number 1 and don't let them get you, etc..

The opposite of EGO of course is Love. Love "what is". Detach from the good opinion of others. Become a giver of peace. Acceptance is a verb. It's a gift that you give to someone.

I remind myself often when I'm quick to judge someone else that my goal is love and peace in every situation. That I have my own brain, my own thoughts and my own choices to make on what I believe and what I reject. I don't need to verbalize it or display it at any time. Some things are better left unsaid.

Ask your heart today, do I have pure positive feelings for everyone, including myself?

If the answer is Yes, you are going to have a miraculous day.

Love Carrie


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