
Showing posts from April, 2023


You might win, but you probably, and most certainly, won’t. Even when the great one, Wayne Gretsky lies to us saying, “with the right attitude and positive outlook you can win too.” In the long run, the chances of successfully coming out ahead are really, really, pathetic. But Connor McDavid and Austin Matthews, two of the best young hockey players in the NHL today, don't mind filling their over-flowing pockets to coerce you into trying it. Pretty sad when they’re targeting younger generations. Gaming advertisements are plastered everywhere on TV, sports broadcasts, billboards, and social media. It’s a total disaster. Yet, the Attorney General of Ontario, Doug Downey, said “We are truly proud of this strong, responsible, competitive online gaming model.” The government continues to bolster this industry at the expense of the next generations well-being and prosperity.  Even my husband admits he would have been in trouble at that age. Meanwhile, Paul Burns the President a...