The Free Voice
I’m old enough to remember when it was considered impolite to discuss religion, politics, or money outside your home. Then social media came along and gave everyone a voice. It’s a new era to navigate. As my mother-in-law would say, this is not our world anymore. And while there are trolls being paid to create chaos and discourse on the internet by gaslighting people that take social media seriously not all internet storms are bad. Twitter has brought public awareness and scrutiny on the ruling class and all their questionable ethics. Take the Ontario conservative long term care minister, Merrilee Fullerton, who dropped the ball in long term care homes is now working with vulnerable children and families as the Ontario minister of family and children services. See what I mean. The former Canadian conservative Health minister Rona Ambrose now sits on the board of Juul owned by a tobacco corporation, an industry that floods our healthcare system with ch...