
Showing posts from November, 2021


The US reached a stark milestone this month of 100,000 people dying of drug overdoses in one year. That is 275 overdose deaths every day.   In Canada, 20 people die every day from overdose. It is considered immoral in some circles to demand anything from an addict which helps not the addict or the city.   In Michael Shellenberger’s book, San Fransicko, why progressives ruin cities he writes that calling the problem homelessness rather than open air drug scenes you neglect the fundamental problem which is lack of a system and planned strategy for helping people off the streets. The homeless have a life on the streets high on meth, shooting heroine and smoking fentanyl.   No one can coerce them into getting treatment because they don’t want treatment and public intoxication isn’t a crime anymore because they don’t want addicts in jail.   Public officials are finding out quickly that ignoring the problem doesn’t make it go away. Shelters have rules and cities shou...