
Showing posts from September, 2017

The Plight of a Writer

When I first started writing I didn’t understand the plight of a writer.  I thought it was just me.  Writer’s block.  Hell ya.  Who do you think you are writing?  Nobody wants to read your shit.  Writers have one thing in common. They don’t write. Many of us give up before we let that happen.  Before we even start we’ve packed it in. Martha Graham wrote “we are never satisfied with our work.  Creative work is a queer divine dissatisfaction that keeps us marching and more alive than the others.”  This speaks right to me.  There is no satisfaction at anytime even after you’ve arrived and I’m strangely comforted by this. Anne Lamott teaches us to write short assignments shitty first drafts and look through 1 inch picture frames.  We do that for awhile and it seems to settle us down a bit until the next storm hits.   “How’s the writing” someone says so innocently.   I hesitate to call myself a writer because i...

Don't Sweat the Sales Stuff

Introduction..   I'm sharing the very best of what I know with you in this article.  I stumbled into my first sales job 20 years ago.   I started out as an administrative assistant for a leasing company.   They still had carbon copies back then, (wow.  I'm old)  and I was a terrible typist.  I had already gotten fired from my first job as a Dictaphone typist for making too many errors.   I was let go from another job because I was unwilling to go down the elevator, stand in line at Druxy's sandwich shop and purchase lunch each day for the gentleman I worked for.  He was one of the Partners in a large accounting firm downtown.  They had two coffee breaks  each day in which one of the girls, (thank God it wasn't me) had to go around with a cart to all the offices and offer the Partner's  coffee;   I believe there was 11 of them.  The coffee was poured to their liking and delivered r...