
Showing posts from March, 2017

Inspiring Authors to Stay Connected

J.K. Rowling’s was one of us. She didn’t have any special circumstances. She was a single mom who was broke and living on social assistance. She had a vision and an inner knowing and the courage to hang on to it. 12 Publishers rejected her book. A small house called Bloomsbury Press eventually agreed to publish it. But even then J.K. Rowling was told, “You’ll never make any money on children’s books.” 400,000,000 books later, she is one of the richest women in the world and all because she had the courage, despite obstacles, rejection and financial barriers to do the only work that ever matter to her which was to write. There was no light at the end of the tunnel but she did it anyway. That is taking fear by the arm and saying, “come on we’re doing this.” The world would not know Harry Potter had she listened to the voice of her critics.  She puts it eloquently in this quote. “If you’re holding out for universal popularity I’m afraid you’ll be in this cabin for a very l...

Pills Should be the Last Resort not the Only Resort

There’s a pharmaceutical solution for every problem.  But not every problem needs a pharmaceutical solution.    What’s wrong with being a little crazy?  Pills are a quick fix.  Our fast pace society doesn’t value or support the kind of deep work that’s necessary to help people navigate through turbulent waters.  It’s more convenient to give a prescription.  There are huge multi-national drug companies behind these solutions.  Pills should be the last resort but are often the only resort.  I can see where it’s difficult for a Doctor to know what the best course of action should be and isn`t it better to be safe than sorry?  Mental illness exists and such drugs can be life-saving. Antidepressants are helpful and good for some people.    Depression is nothing to be ashamed of.  It’s the waiting list for support that people can’t access or afford that’s shameful.  It’s the stigma around it that’s shamefu...